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Our Unique Approach

Welcome to New Leader Academy: A Unique Approach Where Every Minute Matters.

A Powerful Vision for Learning and Achieving!

New Leader Academy is a pioneering special education school dedicated to children in grades K-12. Our unique approach, embodied in our 'Six Pillars of Strength', offers an innovative, nurturing environment where every minute matters. We specialize in integrating cutting-edge technology, including assistive devices, VR, and AI, with a curriculum focused on holistic child development. Our services encompass specialized educational programs, tailored therapies, and a strong emphasis on neurological and social-emotional growth. We are committed to fostering deep community and parent engagement, ensuring that each child is supported academically, socially, and emotionally to reach their full potential.

Mission/Vision Statement

Mission Statement:

Supporting students to become their own personal best!


Vision Statement:


We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our commitment extends beyond academic excellence, aiming to equip our students with the confidence, skills, and resilience needed to succeed in all aspects of life. In partnership with families and the community, we endeavor to create a foundation for lifelong learning and achievement, where every student is valued and encouraged to become a leader in their own right.

These mission and vision statements encapsulate New Leader Academy’s dedication to providing an exceptional educational program tailored to the individual needs of students with disabilities. The impact of the program is projected to be far-reaching, not only in terms of academic achievements but also in fostering social, emotional, and personal growth. Success at New Leader Academy is defined by the holistic development of its students, preparing them for a successful transition into adulthood and enabling them to lead fulfilling lives.

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6 Pillars of Strength

Existing Research

Using existing studies and research to inform practice.

Best Practice and Regional Practices 

Implementing effective practices and considering regional information.

Ongoing Data Collection

For every individual student 
making data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Child development

Body-brain integration, sensory regulation, and a Body-UP approach to learning. A strong focus on neurological and social-emotional development.

Technology: AT  VR  AI

Incorporating assistive technology, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence

Community and Parent Engagement

Fostering partnerships with parents and the community, real-life interaction with communities in our area and internationally.

Meet Our Leadership Team

We will be hiring starting January 2024!


Ivory Clark

Program Manager / Therapeutic Intervention Specialist

Bridgette Nicholson

Behavior Therapist

Reading Consultant

Kysia Johnson

Speech and Language Pathologist

Occupational Therapist

Financial Consultant

Fischer Financial Consulting


Proficio Consulting

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